Men are rather rare at the Mademoiselle Louison studio. When he walks through the door to accompany Madame, each step gradually leads them to dare the attitude of a Belle Époque dandy. The retro “man” photo session allows him to dare and to bring out the “gentlemanly” attitude in him!
Accompanying and succumbing
The man from the Mademoiselle Louison studio is a loving man who accompanies his wife, his sweetheart, his bird, for an activity that the beautiful one has long sought on the canvas. He is always very discreet, holding back to let his friend fully enjoy the expected retro experience.
I always take care to make him feel at ease, even while waiting, because a man who stumbles or is bored does not help our Lady to fully enjoy her Belle Époque moment.
Behind the scenes, the companion often starts with the idea of offering a solo session to his beloved. And finally, a few days later, the order turns into a session for two, a symbol of the desire to share every moment with each other.
My male models/clients in the studio are charming and gallant. The retro photo for men attracts the gentleman of our time!
Madame always comes first in clothing. I don’t know who is more surprised when Madame “Back to 1900” is discovered in the mirror.
You can see it in the eyes of your loved one. It is his first reflection. And I am always touched by the fact that the partners play the game of openness and, above all, of dazzlement. I don’t know who is travelling more in time at this moment!
Madam is reassured and quickly hurries to discover herself in the mirror. She is more demanding of herself, but she succumbs almost instantly to the rapture of the grandeur of her 1900 hat.
Retro photo for gentleman 2022
Madam is enjoying her new outfit when Mister goes to the dressing room. Seeing the result on his wife, he agrees to listen to me and dress in a retro suit. I am always very careful not to rush him. Always take the time to transform into 1900 mode. Whatever your age, whatever your gender, whatever your desires or life experiences: there is always a time when you have to overcome your shyness about being dressed by another person.
And as love gives wings to my “model for a day” couples, the men in the studio rock, get pampered and even have fun.
The man who thought he was just an element in the decor of his wife’s retro photo shoot, finally lends himself to the game and even comes up with some ideas for staging!
He takes great care in choosing his jacket, frac, coat or morning coat. He is meticulous about fit. He wants to do well. I feel this desire not to stand out and to be as good as possible so that his wife has a very pleasant time. There’s that touch of seduction that comes back, like a courting wind that floats through my studio cocoon.
We are together in the construction of a memorable souvenir, of these moments in duo which will mark their photo albums.

The retro photo of Monsieur is an expression of a modern man who finally takes the time to see himself in gentleman’s clothing. The man Mademoiselle Louison carries the posture of a man who respects women and seeks equality in the quest for happiness.
The hat that changes everything!
Clothes do not make the man, of course. On the other hand, I think the hat makes the woman, makes the man. As all my clients and models will tell you, I am always advocating a return to headgear as an expression of our uniqueness rather than an element of coquetry. Out of the obligations of yesteryear or the marks of established social classes, the hat is for me a true mark of character and freedom. It does not hide, it enhances. It does not protect, it reinforces.
I would like to wear them every day. However, the whirlwind of life makes me leave it too often on the peg in the hall.
So I redouble my efforts to give it its place on a daily basis, on my head and on yours.
The hat is for me a mark of elegance of spirit. It has so many shapes, materials and ornaments! It is a metaphor for your mood each day. It allows us to express what we cannot always say.
I have much less choice for men than for women. Top hat, bowler hat or straw hat are my male friends. And sometimes feminine, because not every lady wants to wear the so-called “feminine” uniform of skirt and feathers. But that’s another story.
In any case, for his retro photo, the Mademoiselle Louison man sees himself mostly as a gentleman with a top hat. Taking a step back is a step I can only recommend.
The retro photo experience for men in gentleman’s mode 1900
At the end of the session, the “Adult Souvenir” moment experienced by a couple in love is a beautiful story of listening, attention, sharing and willingness to value the other under the spotlight of a private retro photo studio. I am delighted to be in my own home and to be able to offer sweet couples a personalised, tailor-made experience.
It’s a real treat to look behind my lens and see the strong bonds of people who love each other. In the course of the compositions in retro Belle Époque mode, the roles are reversed and the companion becomes a spectator of her man. He enjoys taking the stage and doing some solo portraits. His idea of a retro photo for men shows the gentleman in him!
Each vibrates, accepts himself and the resulting portraits reflect two attached souls who know how to reveal themselves to each other. I am always so moved by the looks of admiration and love that come from the couples who come to me.
“We are made to love each other at all times” is the perfect phrase to sum up all these moments.
Reveal the 1900 within you!
Mademoiselle Louison invites you into her private studio in the heart of Paris and dresses you up with vintage outfits and accessories from the Belle Époque.
Dressed as in 1900, you will experience the portraitsof yesteryear with serious and amusing stagings.
A personalised photo souvenir to make on your own, in a group, as a duo or as a family.