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A private photo shoot in complete safety
8 October 2021

A little over a year and a half after the shock of confinement, I realise how far we have come to ensure that you have the safest possible private photo shoot. Despite the launch of Mademoiselle Louison a few weeks before the strikes at the end of 2019, the capital shunned by annoyed tourists, and then the increasingly urgent echoes of a virus that was going to turn the whole world upside down, I am more positive than ever to photograph you!

The right choice of private residence

The story of Mademoiselle Louison is for many the story of the unfailing support of my loved ones, of my partner and of the loyalty to my soul that has always whispered in my ear to live my dreams. When I change my life to start a completely new activity, I have little budget. The ideas flowed and I clung to my project management skills and pushed everything I already knew to the limit. I’m trying to keep expenses down to a minimum, or at least I’m learning to manage the investments that are necessary and those that are part of the sheer pleasure of starting out for the first time. The beginnings are easy because I give birth to the retro private photo shooting project very easily. I must have matured it unconsciously for a long time!

It only took a few words from the loved one to wake him up. The name, the concept, the atmosphere of the studio, the whole DNA of Mademoiselle Louisonemerged immediately. I rushed to my comfort zones and quickly asked for help in areas of expertise where I had the ideas and not the know-how. The most obvious example for me is the financial and administrative side of my business. Choosing the status, preparing a provisional budget, contacting the administrative services, taking the legal steps: very little for me. And yet, I couldn’t afford to delegate everything. My friends and acquaintances already have full-time jobs! However, it is admirable how my entourage was ready to support me.

And that’s when you have to listen. You live your project so much that you dream about it at night and you already have your 50-year business plan! So, inevitably, some of the advice you get is a bit tricky. For my part, I have always seen myself with my shop or my workshop. And this has been the case since she was a child! So I had a hard time thinking that maybe it would be better to take advantage of my home, which is more than nice by the way, to be the first place of my studio, the stage where I was going to give a retro private photo shooting experience out of the ordinary.

This choice touches the intimate and commits. It opens my nest and my family cocoon. I wasn’t necessarily ready to shake things up that much. My guiding principle has always been to never close myself off and to always push my comfort zones. So once again, I open the door to possibilities and silence my fears. I start at home forgetting that the seriousness of a company never comes from its pretty shop window but from the quality of the services it offers. And like a lucky star that has always followed me, the events of the coming months and the announcement of Mars 2020 containment will tell me that it was a very good choice. More than my budget, it saved my morale and allowed me to be more creative than ever.

Build with you the project of the private photo shooting

The difficult start due to the lack of tourists at the end of 2019, the gloomy mood of the Parisians with the strikes and the emerging news about the COVID did not work to reassure my insecurity zones of new entrepreneurial photographer. Communication is my force, commercial much less so. Creativity is my hobby, the construction of a range of services and formulas a little less so. So the containment was somewhat beneficial.

When the anger was over, I made the most of this blocked studio time by writing and photographing of course! There was not a single day without a photo. I worked on my paw, I forced myself to communicate twice a week on social networks. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram: each one has its own line and my core group of followers. I took the time to build with you the project of the private photo shooting after COVID. How I was going to organise myself to receive you, to clean the delicate 1900’s outfits, the hats and all the fragile accessories of the time. I have exchanged with you. This period of global fragility opened us together to a different kind of photographer-model relationship. I have matured in my course.

The private photo shoot recreation

You supported me and ordered sessions during the lockdown. And at the opening, it was moving to receive you, to see you unmasking yourself for the time of your retro portraits. For my part, I keep the mouth “dress” and smile behind the blue mask. The sessions took a different turn. More than an immersive experience of time travel through authentic clothes, the Mademoiselle Louison session has become a time of recreation where we forget together the health situation and its many constraints. It is a breath of fresh air.

Safe & Fun

I imagined the “staycation” trip as a retro photo studio version and you tell me that it is much more, the replacement of your coffee break, of this convivial moment that you used to live in the office. So for the duration of this private photo shoot I am also your playmate.

The immersive and exotic Parisian experience

More than retro portraits in Belle Époque mode, today I allow you to escape to the heart of Paris. I also take you on a journey into another interior, mine, a family nest full of good vibes. We can talk about decoration, inspiration and education. By revealing my nest to you, I put you at ease and your session is intimate and sincere.

The shooting becomes an experience, an immersive activity of retro fashion and it is inevitably disorienting. The home studio version is ultimately a gift for the survival of my small business and an opportunity for you to let go out of sight of an open shop crowd. Welcome to my cosy nest for your private photo shoot in complete safety.

Reveal the 1900 within you!



Mademoiselle Louison invites you into her private studio in the heart of Paris and dresses you up with vintage outfits and accessories from the Belle Époque.
Dressed as in 1900, you will experience the portraitsof yesteryear with serious and amusing stagings.
A personalised photo souvenir to make on your own, in a group, as a duo or as a family.